How To Listen To Your Voicemail Greeting On Android. Web follow the steps below to navigate to the voicemail settings menu: Web open the phone app.

Web while android is undeniably a simple operating system to use, many smartphone owners are perplexed about recording their voicemails to greet friends and family when they are unavailable. On your android device, locate and open the phone app. Set a pin to protect your voicemail messages.
If You Already Have A Greeting, You’ll Hear It.
Tap the key that allows you to check messages. Now tap “1” to record a new greeting. Web follow the steps below to navigate to the voicemail settings menu:
Listen To Each Message And Tap The Corresponding Key To Replay It, Delete It, Or Save It.
Next to the greeting that you would like to use, click more set as. Tap “#” when you’re done. Web here’s how to change your voicemail password with the most popular cellular carriers in the us:
Web Open The Phone App:
There used to be an option for this, for instance press 1 to listen to your current greeting. On your android device, locate and open the phone app. Web one of the great features of voicemail on android devices is the ability to personalize your voicemail greeting.
On Your Computer, Go To
Set a pin to protect your voicemail messages. Open the phone app on your android device. Scroll down and choose the “voicemail” option.
Tap The Record Button To Start, Then Tap Stop When You're Finished ;
Web how to record or change your android voicemail greeting in 10 simple steps 1. Once connected, you will be prompted to enter your voicemail pin. Record your greeting and when you’re done, tap stop.